Lutheran Church
Our Purpose is to make disciples and grow in grace. Our Vision is that
we love God and neighbor, so that all people will be disciples.
Our Purpose
-- Make disciples and grow in grace.
Our Vision
-- We love God and neighbor, so that all people will be disciples.
Our Mission
-- We at Our Saviour Lutheran Church as part of the universal Body of Christ, chosen and redeemed by God and brought into living fellowship of believers that is sustained by His Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament, do hereby covenant to witness to the love of Christ by proclaiming the Good News and sharing our time and gifts to provide for the spiritual and physical needs of others in our congregation, our local community, our nation and throughout God's world.
Our Core Values
"Jesus is Lord"
-- Worship of Christ is the center of who we are.
"God is growing disciples"
-- We are inspired by God's teachings through the Holy Spirit.
"Christ's love changes people"
-- We are called to share the Good News with everyone.
"God provides all our needs"
-- We are thankful caretakers of God's gifts.
"God welcomes all His people"
-- We welcome all God's people into our church's family.