Lutheran Church
We are a liturgical people. Liturgy incorporates words, songs, and gestures that are used by Christians to identify themselves and each other. We invite you to join with us in this joyful celebration of God's love as we worship together today!
Worshipping at OSLC
OSLC offers one Sunday worship service, which combines elements of the traditional worship service with those of the OSLC Heartsong Service. OSLC also offers Sunday School on Sunday morning.​ The normal schedule is as follows: Sunday School: 9:00 a.m.; and Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.
The worship service is live-streamed, and may be watched on video afterward, either at the church website (, or on the OSLC YouTube channel. To view the real-time streaming of an OSLC worship service, or to view a previous video, open the OSLC YouTube Channel by clicking here:
View a YouTube video of the most recent worship service by clicking here:
View the current worship service bulletin by clicking here:
​Participate in online giving by clicking here: